Seven Great Ways to Express Love to Your Partner

How do you express love to your partner? How do you want love expressed to you?

There are many ways of expressing love. We all have different ways of showing it, and these are also usually the same ways that we best identify and understand love when it’s offered to us.

For a relationship to work, it’s essential to understand how you and your partner feel and show appreciation so that you can recognize when they are showing love. By understanding their love language, you can adjust your own way of offering love to them so that they can genuinely feel it.

As the old cliche goes, actions speak louder than words. With that said, here are 7 great ways to show your partner you love them.

Seven Ways to Show Your Partner You Love Them

1. Ask your partner how they are doing.

Asking your partner how they are doing shouldn’t be something that you have to do. It should be something that you genuinely want to do because you want to know how they are, how their day went, what they’re up to.

Don’t just ask your partner how they are doing, be specific. Ask them about that meeting they were nervous about, ask them about their new officemate that they mentioned last night, or that new show they watched yesterday.

This sounds simple enough, but we often get so caught up in the routine of a relationship that we forget to really connect with our partners. By being interested and curious about your partner, you’ll learn so much about them, and this will strengthen your relationship.

2. Make time for them

If you’ve been in a relationship with your partner for quite some time, it may seem repetitive or just another task you need to check off of your to-do list when you schedule in time for them.

But in order to have a thriving relationship, you need to make quality time for them. Even if you really wanted to play ball with your friends or have a movie night with your girls, but you realize it’s been a couple of weeks since you and your partner have spent quality time together. Making time for them shows that you care.

3. Express gratitude

A great way to show your partner you care is by acknowledging the things that they do that you appreciate.

Two simple words can change their day. Thank you.

Even the most minor things can make a huge impact. Express gratitude for the things your partner does (such as doing the dishes, getting off earlier from work to pick you up, or just letting you pick the movie).

We often forget the impact of these two words. Thank you.

4. Celebrate with them

Being in a relationship means having someone to share your wins with. Celebrate your partner’s good news.

It’s essential to be there for your partner when things are difficult, especially when your partner experiences positive news. When your partner shares good news, engage with them and show genuine interest by asking questions.

5. Empathize with them despite being in an argument

It’s a fact that there are going to be disagreements and arguments within a relationship. But even if you and your partner are disagreeing, show that you are listening.

Show that you are compassionate and have empathy for your partner’s point of view. This can be done by affirming what is said and affirming the feelings your partner is communicating.

6. Ask for their advice.

Seeking your partner’s advice isn’t about needing permission, but it is more of a gesture to show that you value what they have to say and their opinion, and you want them to be a part of whatever is going on in your life.

7. Give them gifts to show you care.

Some people express and feel love through gift-giving. Giving food, flowers, clothes, or handmade notes is a great way to show them that you are thinking about them.

Understanding how the other person shows and feels affection will help both of you to feel loved and fulfilled in your relationship.

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